
20 July 2016

Inheritance ( Game of Thrones spoiler Alert + Rant Alert)

Why does every great person have to have hidden parentage and have great parents? Is greatness always inherited? Cant people accept that a random guy/ a bastard/ an Orphan can be great? Does he have to secretly have king and queen parents to be great?!! Are there no self made men/women?  X-(
This is a rant about a twist in Game of Thrones, everybody is raving about.
I m angry. I am angry that the good guy is a prince, he was a bastard but actually no! he is a prince.
The guy who really was a bastard was evil guy.
It is sad.
Maybe its just a way to make the story interesting and I shouldn't read all this into it? It doesn't bother others. People just love just love hidden parentage stories.
It is a very common plot, age old - Karna! he was charioteers son but was amazing at warfare. Then plot twist. he was son of a queen.
Krishna also He was a cowherd but amazing skills, but he was stolen from the womb of a queen.

( May be there are others who are shown to be great inspite of being ordinary people, may be my confirmation bias is preventing me from seeing those stories. Jesus? ( but he was son of god wasnt he ;-) )

It is the problem with the story writers or the audience?
Or is it a reality of life, my liberal mind does not accept?  No! in real life there are many great men who didnt come from royal families. Gandhi/Stalin/Hitler. last 100 years are a good example of this.
Last 5000 years are a good example of greatness only coming down from parents (not because ordinary people were not capable, but there were very very few avenues for normal person to be different from his parents) Actually that makes a very stronger argument in favour of nurture than nature? :-P
Also genes do play a very big part in what we are, so does bringing up. In case of animals genes pay a much bigger role. In case of humans? How much? no body knows.
Conservatives will lean towards believing genes do more and Liberals will lean towards nurture.

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